, Inc.
Now it's time to choose the right entity type for you.
We will help you choose the right type of entity. Is it a limited liability company (LLC), partnership, corporation, or another form of entity? If it is a corporation, is it an s-corporation or a c-corporation? We’ll help you choose the right business and get off on the right foot!
We have experience preparing all the business documents for your new entity and will make sure your company is complete and that you are protected!
Entity Formation
Protect your personal assets & partnership.
Whether you are forming a general or a limited liability partnership, we can help.
We can advise you on how best to operate your company and we can draft your partnership agreement.
Remember, this is a professional marriage. You want to be clear and set all expectations in writing.
Protect your business with structure.
A limited liability company can help you protect your personal assets from business losses. We offer flat rate services to help you establish and operate a California LLC, whether it is with one member or multiple people. We will take care of the formation, draft the required Articles of Organization & Operating Agreements.
YourDream, Inc.
A corporation can be the right choice for your business. We can help you establish your corporation, issue shares, create by-laws and help you understand how best to operate your corporation. We can even help you understand how to file for an S-Corp election, where appropriate. We can also take care of your Shareholders Agreement.
Dream big.
Bundle & Save!
Dream Starter
One-time Set-up & Launch 6K! VALUE
Launch session to learn your mission and goals.
Entity Selection & Registration
Tax ID Number EIN #
Operating Agreements
Owner Agreement
Website Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy
1 Trademark
1-hour Attorney one-on-one Legal Crash-Course in running your new company.​